Online Counselling available for those who cannot visit our Hospital physically and want counselling session through Online. Charges for Online Counselling are mentioned below: Fees 1000 Rs. For Indian National
Online counselling
- Fees will be Non Refundable.
- Chatting can be done for maximum 10 minutes.
- No medication will be prescribed.
- No photos will be shared.
- Will not be done After 8 PM.
- Will not be done on Sundays.
- Language used will be English.
Advantages of Online Counselling
- You get proper privacy.
- You get sitting at your place.
- You get advice from USA Certified Specialist.
- You save your petrol expenses.
Mode of Payment
Debit Card, Credit Card, Net Banking, Paytm or Direct Deposit to Bank Account
Pay To: Amitabh Soni
Bank Name: SBI
Bank Account No. - 61330628548
IFSC Code - SBIN 0031807
Swift Code - SBININBBJ12
Paytm (Mobile No.) – 9829140584
To pay by Debit Card Use BHIM SBI Pay App & send to VPA: 9829140584@sbi
After making Payment you will have to fill the appointment form on this website writing your Name, Age, Gender, Email, Mobile No., City, Country, Mode of Payment, Currency, Your Account No., Date of Payment, Your problems for counselling and Type of counselling and submit the form. Then you will have to phone us on 9829140584 and mention the same details filled in the form so that we can confirm your payment which might take 2 to 3 days than we will reply you back on Phone.